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About The Categories.

Information on this year’s award categories.

Universal wellbeing.

This award celebrates innovative approaches to support pupil wellbeing above and beyond providing an off-the-shelf PSHE curriculum. Maybe it is a whole-setting approach to wellbeing, maybe it is tailoring the mental wellbeing curriculum to the particular or local needs of students, whatever it is, the winners of this category will be able to evidence the impact that this approach has made over two academic years.

Mental health intervention.

This award celebrates effective and innovative interventions to support pupils experiencing mental health difficulties. The winner will evidence how they go above and beyond in meeting the needs of their pupils and how they have sustained this across two academic years.

Pupil voice.

This award celebrates settings who have innovative approaches to listening to the voice of all of their pupils in their mental health and wellbeing strategy, evidencing this across two academic years.

Working with families.

This award goes to the setting who have taken an innovative approach to parent, carer and family engagement in their mental health and wellbeing strategy. The winner may evidence how they have overcome the barriers placed on them during the pandemic, or even worked with their community to meet the wellbeing needs of particular groups of families.

Catch us at this years Regional Shows in Peterborough, Find out more.